Shakmaty Bereolos - The Official Chess Site of Peter Bereolos

Ruben Fine's Basic Chess Endings (David McCay, New York 1941) has long been recognized as one of the finest texts on the endgame. However, over the years many improvements in the analysis have been found, some even overturning the evaluation of positions. These corrections have been compiled and sold in paper form by various parties. My intention here is to provide a free online posting of these corrections. I do not wish to copy the compilations of others, so I will be rebuilding the list with (hopefully) proper credit to those who first made the discoveries. If you have additions to this list please send me email with the position number, corrected analysis, and citation (magazine article, computer analysis, new original analysis, etc.)

On these links, I'll try to use the notation system that I believe was first implemented by Nunn. ! signifies the only move to win or draw. ? signifies a move that changes a win to a draw or a draw to a loss. ?? signifies a move that changes a win to a loss.

Hopefully, some day there will be a new "21st century" edition of this book incorporation corrections and converting to algebraic notation as was done with Nimzowitsch's My System. Until then, I hope you will find this page useful.


Counter since June 23,2000